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Speaker Bios



Where is this event located?

It is located in the Strafford Room in the Memorial Union Building at the University of New Hampshire Durham campus. 

I cannot attend in person, is there a virtual option?

Unfortunately no. There will be recordings of the sessions available following the events.

What topics will be discussed?

The topics covered for the 2024 Social Media Marketing Symposium will be announced soon.

Is parking available?

Meter parking is available at 8 Mill Rd. Durham, NH to Campus Crossing Visitor Lot.

What will I gain from attending?

Great networking opportunities and diverse knowledge of the evolving marketing strategies in the digital world. 

How much does it cost to attend the event?

The general public costs $49, including lunch. When registering please indicate if you will be staying for lunch. UNH students, staff, faculty, and sponsor members will receive complimentary registration. 

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